Saturday, January 1, 2011

nails :)








Want newspaper print nails like this?
You will need:
a small glass of rubbing alcohol or vodka
10 strips of newspaper (bigger than your nails)
LIGHT nailpolish. white, clear, light pink, etc. anything LIGHT
K now do this:
Dip your nails in the alcohol for a while so the whole nail is wet
press a strip of the newspaper on your nail and hold firmly for 30 seconds. do NOT move the strip, keep it firm.
YOU’RE DONE! Now go over with a clear coat so it’ll last.

that is REALLY cool. *saves forever*

I’m gonna do this today. OKAY.


 omg so doing this

OMG totally doing this! :D

I’m doing this rn. I’m using directory papers though hahahha

Want newspaper print nails like this?
You will need:
a small glass of rubbing alcohol or vodka
10 strips of newspaper (bigger than your nails)
LIGHT nailpolish. white, clear, light pink, etc. anything LIGHT
K now do this:
Dip your nails in the alcohol for a while so the whole nail is wet
press a strip of the newspaper on your nail and hold firmly for 30 seconds. do NOT move the strip, keep it firm.
YOU’RE DONE! Now go over with a clear coat so it’ll last.

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